
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 19:38:49
Alex,你的work permit延期申请已获接受,下周一可领证.接着我会继续办你的visa延期手续,争取在9月14日前办结.特此告知,请放心吧.

Alex, your application for work permit extension has been accepted. It can be collected next Monday. I will process your visa extension application after that, and will try to complete it by 14 September. For your information. Don't worry.

Alex, your petition for extension of work permit has been accepted, you can pick up the paperwork next Monday. next I will start to apply for extension of your visa, and hopefully will get it done before Sep 14th.

don't worry.

Alex,We hereby inform you that extension application of your work permit has been accepted, you can received permit next Monday.Then I will continue with your visa extension procedures and try to get closure before Sep.14th.You may rest assured.

alex 什么证
your work permit extension application has been accepeted and you can pick it(什么证) up on monday next week。we will be working on your application and try to make it succeful before 14. 9. take it easy boy