
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 19:19:34


Obama was born in Hawaii. Obama's father Barack Obama is a Kenyan, his mother, Ann Dunham, a white female teachers in the United States. Both the marriage did not last long, only Obama gave birth to a child. Obama was in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather live 4 years. 10 years old, divorced mother and stepfather, Obama returned to Hawaii, most of the time he and his grandfather, grandmother live together. Dunham took her daughter, born with the prime Toro Maya returned to Indonesia. At that time, Dunham a very difficult life, her own doctorate in anthropology in the study, but also save every dollar for his son to study, young and old Obama, Obama, a childhood in a small apartment crowded inside. Obama's parents divorced in 1982, heard that his father died in a car accident in Kenya before, Barack Obama saw his father once had. Although not a long time to spend with his father, but from the father of color, in his political career to become a banner. Obama was born in