
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 11:16:00
这是我~~非常重要的~~关系到我的成绩的~~请好心人帮帮忙~~~囧,因为我病了3个周没去上课,教授说开不出病条就给我F~~但是我自己英语不好,不知道怎么跟老师说.所以上来请人帮忙,背好了去找老师谈. 内容是:

I couldn't get the medical certificate from the doctor, but i'm really sick. Sore throat. Was caughing really bad. So i didn't go for lessons for those few days. because i got sore throat before, so i didn't go to the hospital,but taken some medicine which i brought from China. Sir, please show some mercy, do me a favour, do not give me a F. ok?
最好去弄个假的病假条。 一般这种情况学校都必须要假条啊。。。

I am not a doctor open to be sick, but it is really sick, laryngitis, coughing is very fierce, so there is no class that period of time. Because in the past too, so do not go to the hospital to eat the medicine from China brought to rest at home. Baituo teachers can accommodate about, do not give me F do?
