
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 02:39:52
在法拉利车队中,我最敬佩和崇拜的就是Michael Schumacher了。他虽然明年就不在法拉利车队了,但他的开车技术和他的财富令我为之敬佩。他为法拉利作出的贡献更是为之惊叹,七年的世界冠军令他荣耀一生,“车王”的称号更是非他莫属,我真心的希望今年的冠军属于他。法拉利此时仅以2分的差距落后于雷诺(renault),今年车队总冠军一定是法拉利。

Today is September 9, 2006, I was a high school student. China now enrolled in grade one China in Qujing city of Qujing in Yunnan (2) classes. I was a cheerful and confident boys. In my mind Ferrari (ferrari) fleet is sacred. Since the primary, I know Ferrari team. Each stop Basically, I see that every time I turn on the TV to see a red Ferrari, flashing in front of me and outdated, my heart will start to run and see wildlife gallery composed of Ferrari red ocean, I dance with them, when seen from the success of the Ferrari, the only step away and failed, I would have had a feeling of regret and grief Every time he saw the Ferrari driver stood on the highest podium, I feel honored and proud when spraying champagne on the podium, I would feel crazy. Ferrari team lets me know what is the courage to pursue anything. Ferrari's glorious growth, but also my motivation to learn. Ferrari F1 in the contribution is irreplaceable. Ferrari engine whenever I hear the voices of my blood start