
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 10:01:22
摘要:改变学生的学习方式, 发展学生的自主学习能力,不仅是学生继续深造的需要,也是学生步入社会后生存与发展的需要,是现代教育的必然趋势。自主学习可以培养学生积极的学习态度与心理倾向,掌握并探索科学的学习方法,全面提高智能素质。自主学习重在实践,与其他教学思想比较更具优势,它能有效强化动机、提升学习能力及实现人的发展。

changing the students'study method and developing their ability of self-learning is not only essential to futher their study but alao to their existence and promotion after they go into society, which is the inevitable trend of modern education.

selt-learning can cultivate students' positive study attitude and pshchological tendency to master and explore the scientific study method in order to the full development of intellectual quality .

self-learning focuses on pratice, comparing to other teaching thoughts it has more advantages, which is efficient to strengthen the motivation, promote the study ablity and realize the development of human.

Abstract: change the student's learning style, students develop independent learning ability of students to continue their education is not only the needs of students is the community's survival and development needs, is the inevitable trend of modern education. Independent study stud