
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 11:21:45
专业实践能力: 本人于2001年高考考入湖南省中医药大学,进入针灸推拿系学习。学习期间,虽然理论成绩平平,但专业实践能力较强,大学二年级时已能独立把脉断症,且诊断正确无误;大学三年级时已能独立治愈家中亲属疾病(该患者因年事已高又常年体弱多病,当时的身体状况已无法接受各医院的治疗措施,加上经济因素,所以放弃了治疗);从大学三年级之后,大部分生活常见疾病已能手到病除(如:感冒,腹泻,颈肩腰腿痛,骨质增生,椎间盘突出,小儿推拿治疗小儿感冒.肺炎.发烧.腹泻.消化不良.体弱多病,针灸减肥);大学五年级实习期间进一步提高自己的医学诊治能力,并于2006年2月11日—2006年3月3日独立在家中完成急性脑出血全部治疗。此后,我对脑部血管疾病有了深刻认识,并摸索出一套独创的脑血管疾病治疗方法,工作后,多次使用该种方法治疗相关疾病,疗效颇佳。

Professional practice capabilities:
With the national college entrance exam in 2001,I entered the Hunan Medical University to study in the department of acupuncture and manipulation. During the four years, although theoretical achievement was plain, the practical ability is excellent. when I was a sophomore I was able to feel the pulse diagnosis correctly; In the third college year I could cure diseases for my family independently (the patient was perennial ailing because of their age, the physical condition of the hospital has been unable to receive treatment, coupled with economic factors, it would be better to abandon the treatment); After the third year of college, most common diseases can be cured by me(such as : cold, diarrhea, neck, waist and leg pains, hyperosteogeny, diskal hernia, massage therapy for pediatric influenza. Pneumonia, Fever, Diarrhea,Dyspepsia.valetudinarianism, acupuncture slimming); During the fifth year training I further improved their medical trea