
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 00:16:20
(a) can be shown by the Receiving Party through exsiting documentary evidence to be already known to the Receiving Party at the same time it is disclosed to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing Party;(b)is subsequently disclosed to the Receiving Party by a source other than the disclosing ,which discolsure is not ,to the Receiving Party’s knowledge,itself the breach of a confidential agreement;(c)can be shown by the Receiving Party to be generally known or avaliable to the public ;or(d)sunsequently becomes generally known or avaliable to the pubic without a breach by the receiving party of this agreement,The parties further agree that in order for information to be:”Confidentiality Information” for purposes of this agreement,(i)if the disclosed information is in writing,the disclosed information must be marked as “Confidential”or”Proprietary”and (ii)if the information is disclosed orally,the disclosed information must be identified as being confidential or proprietary at the time of

(a)可能通过收到被显示 同时已经为所知个得到的党是随着透露得到的党以透露的党的党通过exsiting 证明文件; (b)后来被一个消息除了透露对得到的党透露,discolsure不是, 对得到的党' s 知识,它自己一项秘密的协议的破坏; (c)可能被一般被知道的收到的党或者avaliable显示给公众; (d)sunsequently 变得一般知道或者avaliable 对阴部没有一破坏以得到的这同意的聚会, 聚会更进一步同意为了信息的那: 为了这项协议,"机密性信息", (i)被透露的信息以书面形式, 透露的信息一定作为"秘密"或者"所有者"和(ii)标明信息被口头上透露, 被透露的信息必须被鉴定为在泄露和在30(30)天followin内这样的泄露时秘密或者专卖, 透露的党必须为收到的党提供一个书面通知, 标明"秘密"或者"专卖", 确认秘密的信息通过把党透露给收到的党(包括一篇被透露的信息的摘要)被透露


(a) 能是显示由这receiving 接待会通过exsiting documentary 文献实据是已经知道对这receiving 接待会同时它是透露对这receiving 接待会由这透露Party;(b)is 随后透露对这receiving 接待会由来源除之外这透露, discolsure 是没有,to 这receiving 接待会知识, 本身这突破口机要agreement;(c)can 是显示由这receiving 接待会是一般知道或avaliable 对这公众;or(d)sunsequently 成为一般知道或avaliable 对这阴部没有突破口由这receiving 接待会这协议, 这党进一步同意那为了信息对be:"Confidentiality 信息" 为的目的这协议, (i)if 被透露的信息作为"Confidential"or"Proprietary"and 必须被标记(信息口头被透露得的ii)if, 被透露的信息和机要或业主在透露之时和在thirty(30)days followin 之内这样的透露, 透露的党必须提供接待会以一个书面通知