
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 14:13:09

time is used for treasuring or used for wasting ,这是直译,中文好像解释得通,但是改成主动,就是...use time for wasting...,很明显,time 应该是waste的宾语才对,而这样变成利用时间去浪费something。

Should time be cherished or wasted on earth?


The time is used for treasuring, or used for wasting?

Certainly, is uses for to treasure!(当然,是用来珍惜的啦:)~~

An inch time, an inch gold!(一寸光阴,一寸金。)

The time is used for treasuring, or used for wasting?

The time is uesed for treasuring,or wasting?

Is time to be cherished or to be wasted?