我需要help啊 英语翻译高手快来~`

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 09:05:49



The 21st century, along with economic globalization, China joined the WTO.China and the rest of the world's exchanges and cooperation in various fields will be more in-depth, extensive,This will be the demand of the growing talents, and have a high level of education, who are proficient in foreign languages.Foreign students will become familiar with the culture of hot-available candidate.While studying abroad, the world will surely access to cultural diversity and ideology, and then develop a vision and thinking,expanding and upgrading the interpersonal level.With this foundation, students in choosing a job and it can no longer be confined to a certain area of a country.Along with the development of China's economy, China's exchanges with countries in the world have a more positive, the advantages of students.will also become ambassador to China, the company responsible for the best candidate.