
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 23:56:56


Devil. or Satan

DEVIL 就是lived活着的倒过来写..这个单词是一个囚犯在狱里发明的.把活着的人翻转过来就是魔鬼了

devil or demon or belial or lucifer

魔鬼: devil
Relative explainations:
<lucifer> <Old Scratch> <prince of the world> <old toast> <Old Harry> <satan> <orca> <dickens> <demon> <fiend> <the prince of darkness> <the old Dragon> <the great fisher of souls> <old gooseberry> <our foe> <Belial>

1. 【谚】魔鬼专坑懒鬼。
Satan always finds work for idle hands.
2. 魔鬼诱惑了亚当和夏娃.
The Devil tempted Adam and Eve.
3. 那些警卫都是残暴的野兽, 他们的首领是个魔鬼的化身.
The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
4. 他相信魔鬼、 巫婆这类事.
He believes in devils and witches.
5. 用魔鬼象徵罪恶是中世纪绘画的特色.
The personification of evil as a devil is a feature of medieval painting.

the Terminator
invoke evil s