
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 17:39:26
贵州省省会贵阳市位于贵州中部,简称筑,是全省政治、经济、文化、科学技术的中心,被贵山、东山、黔灵山、狮子山猪峰环抱,海拔1071米 ,全市面积8032平方公里,居住着汉、苗、布依、侗、回等各族人民工370万。贵阳可是中国西南重要的交通枢纽哦,黔桂、湘黔、串黔、滇黔四条铁路和全省的公路干线汇集于此,航线直达曼谷、香港、北京、上海、深圳、等30多个城市呢。肠旺面、牛肉粉、恋爱豆腐过、 豆腐元子、豆沙窝、 洋芋粑、镐粑稀饭、丝娃娃等都是贵阳的风味小吃,还有红枫湖国家级风景区、百花湖、黔灵公园、河滨公园、花溪公园、天河潭、开阳南江峡谷、花溪镇山村、息烽温泉、国家级文物保护文阳明洞和息烽集中营旧址、甲秀楼、阳明祠、青岩古镇、周渔璜故居、高坡洞葬等游览点。这里气候宜人,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒 ,属于亚热湿润温和气候,一月最冷平均气温5°C,盛夏七月平均气温24°C,被誉为“第二春城”。是旅游避暑的理想之地。欢迎小朋友们来筑城玩哦!

Guizhou provincial capital of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province in the central part of listed building, is the province's political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological center,Hill was your Dongshan, Spired from Qianling Mountain Lion Rock pig peaks and hills, with an elevation of 1,071 meters, the city's area of 8,032 square kilometers.inhabited by the Han, Miao, Kabui, the reporter returned to the people of all ethnic groups, such as migrant workers 3.7 million.However important transport hub in southwest China's Guiyang, oh, the Guizhou-Guangxi, Hunan and Guizhou, Guizhou series.104 Railway and the Yunnan-Guizhou province Survey this highway route through Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhenmore than 30 other city.71 brisk hand, beef powder, love tofu, tofu Yuanzi, Cut Waterloo, potato ban, ho ban motionless.Guiyang silk dolls are the flavor snack, national scenic areas Hongfeng, Baihua Lake, Qianling Park, Riverside Park,Huaxi Park, Tian Tan, Sou