
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 19:21:30
1:To be happy,keep busy.
2:To live means to create.
3:To make good use of things you have is more difficult than to get the thing you want.
4:To save time is a lengthen life.
5:To see for yourself is worth all the books of travel.
6:To teach another to too learn yourself.
7:To think is to speak low.To speak is to think aloud.
8:To the hungry no bread is bad.

1:得到快乐,保持忙碌. 2:生活就是创造. 3:利用好你的东西更困难的事莫过于把你想. 4:节省时间,是延长生命. 5:亲身体验是值得所有旅游书籍. 六:教你学过他人. 七:思考是发言low.to发言是自言自语. 8:没有饥饿的面包是坏.