
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 08:53:33
A historian of the exploration of Africa will not be expected to identify either 'exploration' or 'Africa' in other than commonly accepted terms. But he may wish to make to make a distinction(not always observed in common speech) between, for example, travellers, traders,prospectors, missionaries and explorers properly speaking.

除共同地被接受的条件之外,非洲的探险的史学家不会预计辨认‘探险’或‘非洲’。 但他也许希望做区分(不总观察在共同的讲话)之间, 例如, 旅行家, 贸易商,探油矿者, 传教士和探险家适当地讲话。