
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 04:32:27
摘要:王维是唐代诗坛上一位具有独特风格的大诗人。到了晚唐,人们在纷乱的世事中辗转彷徨的时候,真正静下心来写山水田园诗的已经很少了。但处在乱世之中,经历了无数的流离之苦,受尽了人间悲欢离合之后,人们都希望能够有一个让自己的心灵得到休息,得到慰藉的地方。这个地方就是有禅宗以为的佛家境界。但是王维诗中所属的禅意究竟 是一种什么样的佛家境界,他究竟是不是一个真正的佛教徒。



Wang Wei is a distinctive poet in Tang Dynasty.
Wang lived in Late Tang, an era filled with wars and sufferings. People are involevd in the earthly world, with few can be peaceful enough to write garden poem. But the hardship exprienced in this era pushed people to seek for a rest of the mind. That's the Buddha world with peace expressed in Zen,
但是王维诗中所属的禅意究竟 是一种什么样的佛家境界,他究竟是不是一个真正的佛教徒。
But no one can tell what kind of buddha world indeed is in Wang's poem, and whether he is really a buddanist or not.