
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 06:56:49

[关键词]私法自治,自由,限制, 契约自由


摘要:随着我国法制建设的深入发展,随着人民群众法律意识的逐步提高,“医疗事故”、“医疗纠纷”这些名词已为越来越多的人所熟知,而且随着科研、教育等事业的飞速发展,对人们的健康、生命 、身体的保护已出现了越来越多的问题,这些问题受到大家的广泛关注,尤其是有关身体权,由于法律对此问题并没有明确的规定,各界学者对此问题亦有众多争议,所以为了更好的维护公民的合法权益,明晰侵害公民身体权应当承担的民事责任,确定赔偿标准,从而更好的保护公民的身体权不受侵害,因此笔者在本文中要从法律视角探讨各种有关身体权侵害及其保护的问题,并认为关于此论题的研究及讨论有着重要的理论及现实意义。

关键词:人格权 身体权 完整性 器官 组织


第一种:[Abstract] arbitrary law to the private foundation, with the backing of the principle of autonomy in private. continue to adapt to social progress and development has spread from the scope of application to the city of Rome, Rome, developed into a complex civil law. Private support for the principle of self-law of the land, the entire private system is the core In today's society, "freedom of contract" principle has been widely questioned. all of the social contract theory has replaced its momentum, The correct understanding and application of the basic principles of civil liberties and restrictions appears to be particularly important. This paper intends to proceed with a civil Private origin from the private purpose of the private self-government from the functions, and restrictions on freedom of the border to try to find out where. Key words : private autonomy, freedom, and freedom of contract paragraph : Abstract : With the in-depth development of China's l