论文翻译 英语高手进

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 04:06:06

由于中西方所处的地理,社会,生活,人文,文化存在很大差异,就造成了这种差异对语言和教学的很大影响。在中国,很熟悉的人之间相遇,往往会无所顾及的说:啊,你近来胖了。或者说:你瘦了,要注意身体。人们一般认为你是在关心他/她,不会为此生气,因而问话人也不会觉得有什么不妥。在西方国家就不同了,英美人如果听到你说:You are fat或You are so thin。即便关系很好也会感到尴尬和难以回答。他们认为这是不礼貌的,在英语教学中,中西两种文化对某些单词的意思上也有差异.Aggressive一词,中国人常用来形容某人“挑衅”“好斗”,而西方人则用来形容某人“进去上进,有开拓精神”。语言是文化的载体,是文化的主要表现形式,语言是随着民族的发展而发展的,语言是社会民族文化的一个组成部分,掌握和了解一个民族的语言,必须要加强这一民族的文化导。但在英语教学中,教师往往比较重视语言的外在形式和语法的结构,即培养学生造出合乎语法规则的句子,而忽视了语言的社会环境,特别是语言的文化差异,致使学生很难以知道什么场合说什么话,从而忽视了培养学生的交际能力。语言的文化差异在英语教学中的作用作为一个重要的问题被提了出来,文化导入成了实现运用语言进行交际的关键。

Cultural and language relation

Because center the west locates the geography, the society, the life,the humanities, the cultural existence very big difference, has created this kind of difference to the language and the teaching very tremendous influence. In China, between the very familiar person meets
one another, often can not have saying which takes into consideration: You recently were fat. Or said that, You have been thin, must pay attention to the body. The people generally thought you are caring about his/her, cannot for this vitality, thus the question person cannot think has any not not properly. Has been different in the western nation, the English beautiful women if hear to you to say: You are fat or You are so thin. Even if relates very well also will feel awkward and replied with difficulty. They thought this is not politeness, in English teaching, the China and the West two kind of cultures also has a difference Aggressive word to certain words me