
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 16:00:23
《宠儿》以零乱片断的随意剪拼为特征, 穿插着省略、离题和倒叙。小说的核心事件成为表述一段被淹没的黑人历史。《宠儿》则采用了黑人民间传说中黑鬼魂故事的框架, 以真实事件为原型和内容, 展示了让黑人痛苦的不堪回首的历史。宠儿是生活在蓄奴制度下千千万万的黑人的代表。她隐喻着三百多年来蓄奴时期惨死的所有冤魂的缩影; 她是蓄奴制废除后在心理上仍无法摆脱其巨大痛楚的黑人的真实写照。因此, 宠儿就是整个黑人苦难历史的深刻的隐喻。莫里森的小说很大程度上借助黑人口头传统,扎根口头传统,没有黑人口头传统,就没有莫里森的创作。概括起来,她的小说对黑人口头传统使用主要表现为二个方面:一、在小说主题立意上,莫里森常常把口头传统的主题当作小说的主题,如描述讲故事和布道祈祷活动,探讨、发展口头传统表达的黑人文化和超自然的信仰等。二、在小说结构形式上,她使用许多口头文学的特点构思小说,包括讲故事时起和应的方式,曲折的、非线性的叙事,爵士乐式的重复手法和即兴式创作。当然这种借用不是原样模仿,她在生活和创作中准确地把握了黑人口头传统的魅力与变化,不只借用口头传统的形式,而且也充分利用了口头传统本身具有的动态性与创

"Beloved" to the random fragments cut fight disorder characterized omission of information warfare, the question and roentgenographic files were reviewed retrospectively. The core of the incident as a novel interpretation of black history to be inundated. "Beloved" is a black folklore using black ghost story framework for the actual event as a model and, Let's look back pain demonstrate the history of blacks. But there are millions of black people living in slavery system representatives. She died metaphor with the period of 300 years of slavery and the epitome of all attack; After the abolition of slavery in the system she is still unable to shake off its enormous psychological pain of a true portrayal of blacks. Therefore, is the darling of the whole history of black suffering profound metaphor. Morrison's novels made heavy use of black oral tradition, rooted oral tradition, not black oral tradition. Morrison's no creativity. To sum up, her novel us