
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 10:36:56

Victoria was born in the Swedish capital of Stockholm on the 14th of July, 1977. On the 1st January 1980, the two years old Victoria officially became the first female princess of Sweden. As a princess who is about to become a queen, Victoria received a variety of strict trainings since a young age.
With regard to love and nation, Princess Victoria resolutely expressed: "I will certainly not give up my throne, because I was born with the duty of protecting Sweden. Also, I will do my best to fulfill this duty."


Victoria July 14 sunrises was born in Sweden capital city Stockholm in 1977.On January 1,1980, many 2 years old Victoria princesses just became the first queen of Sweden to keep formally.Conduct and actions is a princess who goes to be queen, the Victoria accepted each item to train strictly since the childhood.
Concerning love and nation, the Victoria princess means resolutely:"I would never give up scepter.Because I living to c