
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 05:43:59
I tried to rule out each reason as inapplicable to me. Lisa was displaying an interest in me, not the other way around. As for objective evaluation, I always numbered papers and tests, covering students' names to make sure I graded without bias. But the third reason was impossible to dismiss. I knew that if I were a student and I found out that my TA and a classmate were involved, no matter how much I had liked him I'd think he was a tiny dude. I'd be sure he had used his position to seduce her and that without question he'd favor her with a better grade or inside information on the exam.
The idea of my students seeing me as a sleazebag turned my stomach. Their regard for me as a teacher was more important than my desire to go out with Lisa. I decided to wait until the term ended to ask her out.

我试着对我排除每个理由如不适用的。 丽莎正在显示的兴趣我, 不在附近的另一个方法。 关于客观的评估,我总是总计了文件和测试, 包含的学生名字确定没有偏见我定等级。 但是第三个理由不可能解散。我知道,如果我是一位学生,而且我发现我的他和一位同学被牵涉, 没有物质多少我喜欢他我认为他是一个极小的装模作样的人。我得确定他用他的位置没有疑问怂恿她和那他的用较好的等级或关于考试的内部资讯支持她.我的视我为 sleazebag 的学生的主意转向了我的胃。 他们的关心为我是如一位老师更重要的超过我的欲望和丽莎出去。我决定等候,直到期限结束邀她出去