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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 13:35:45
居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index,简称CPI)是反映居民购买并用于消费的一组代表性商品和服务项目价格水平的变化趋势和变动幅度的统计指标。当价格指标超过100时,说明价格总体水平在上升。一般说来当CPI大于3%的增幅时我们称为通货膨胀;当CPI大于5%的增幅时,我们把他称为严重通货膨胀。

Inflation initially refer to the Notes Issue exceeds the actual circulation requirements arising from the devaluation phenomenon. Currency laws, bank note issuance of not more than its symbolic representation of the gold and silver currency, exceeding this amount, Notes should devaluation, prices will rise, thus causing inflation. In modern economics means that the overall price level has increased. General inflation or currency's purchasing power decline in the market, and currency devaluation of the two economies may be relatively lower value. The former used to describe the national currency, which used to describe the international market added value. The People's Bank of China on April 29 at 11:30 announced that from May 15, 2007, Raising the deposit-taking financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate by 0.5 percentage points. This is the fourth year the central bank raising the deposit reserve ratio of commercial banks now the deposit reserve rate has reached 1