
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 15:08:19
人道主义观念及其乐善好施的行为可以作这样的表述:人生来本应该是平等的,但由于一些人为的或非人为的因素社会中的一部分人失去了平等的条件。 为了使这部分人不失去最基本的人的尊严,社会中的人类同伴有义务从精神上和物质上支援帮助他们,让他们重新找回人的尊严和价值。

The humanitarianism idea and its enjoys doing charitable things thebehavior may make such indicating: The life comes originally to besupposed to be equal, but because some artificial or inhuman forfactor society's in part of people have lost the equal condition. Inorder to cause this part of person not to lose the most basic person'sdignity, in society's human companions have the duty support from thespirit and the matter help them, lets them reretrieve person's dignityand the value