
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 02:04:04

1. bust one’s ass让…不好过
2. smooth (1)to be cool at/to be skill at 对…有一套;很厉害
(2)说服力强的 (3)努力
3. head to+地点=go somewhere (用于将来时或现在进行时)
4. Straight up!=You can say that again!=You said it!完全正确!
5. You could do better.你本可做得更好的.(事实却没有)(评价对方的委婉说法)
6. You have to feed your dreams.你应该坚持你的梦想.
7. Just my luck!=Bad luck!可真背啊!
8. Make it up to sb.弥补某人/make up for(事情)/make up with…与重归于好
9. to say the lease=very 非常;很
10. I had a hunch on that.我有此预感.
11. turn over a new leaf=to get a new start重新开始
12. at a loss for words说不出话来/不知该说什么
13. a head star=an early start走在前面eg:Get a head star on your classmate.(走在你同学的前面)
14. mad about/after/dor/on狂热地爱上..., 对...迷得发狂; 渴望; 为...生气
mad at 对…生气
15. You’re up!=It’s your turn.该你了.
16. go for=like to do=be willing to do喜欢做某事
17. I’m on the verge of hitting you.我气死了,真想揍你一顿.
18. hold sb.back拉某人的后腿
19. strip off=to take off one’s clothes
20. birthday sui