保密协议 英翻中2

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:42:21
5. Copy and Return
All the DOCUMENT and /or SAMPLE can’t be copied. In special cases, THE TWO PARTIES can negotiate whether it is allowed to copy the DOCUMENT and /or SAMPLE by written agreement in advance. But this written agreement can be cancelled anytime. After the written agreement cancelled, the user must return the copy of INFORMATION and /or SAMPLE immediately when the offer party requires.
6. Terms for offering
The use of INFORMATION, DOCUMENT and/ or SAMPLE is limited by the negotiation or allowable destination of THE TWO PARTIES. It can’t be used to make products for the third party or themselves, no matter the manufactures is themselves or the third party. The SAMPLE can’t be separated without permission of the offer party.
7. Reservation of right
For the offering SAMPLE and/ or INFORMATION, DOCUMENT, product & parts explained in the DOCUMENT, the concerned information of product and parts in the document, THE TWO PARTIES reserve all rights includi


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