
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 19:29:13
Task I. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 老师不断地告诫学生要充分利用时间,而学生也会将老师的教导铭记在心。
2. 为了补贴家用,他不得不兼职做工人,因为他全职工作的报酬实在太低。

3. 为了不被发现,这群黑奴趁着夜色逃离了主人的庄园。
4. 眼看敌人渐渐包围,英勇的战士们跳下悬崖,宁死不屈。
5. 在现代人看来, 守时是一种美德,那些不守时的人往往会失去别人对他们的信 任。
Task II. (Passage) Translation from Chinese into English
(1) 当时种族偏见盛行,奴隶制还没有被废除。南方有好几个州都规定,凡逃跑的黑奴被抓,其主人可以严厉处置他们。这些黑人受尽奴隶主的压迫,终于不得不决定冒着巨大的风险逃离种植园。他们充分利用各种方法伪装自己;有的在夜色的掩护下赶路;有的用白粉涂在脸上;还有的把脸用面纱完全遮住。其中少数人联系上了历史著名的“地下铁路”组织,到达了安全之地,从此获得了解放。但也有人很不幸,被抓回到种植园,受主人虐待,干活时被迫戴着脚镣。
(2) 社会进步是一个漫长的过程。在这个过程中,许多人把人类的文明和进步作为自己的使命,即使生命受到威胁也绝不放弃。他们相信通过不懈努力,人类比将废除种族歧视,建立平基础上的争端解决机制,推动全人类的共同发展。

1. Teachers constantly exhorted the students to make full use of time, for students and the teachers will be taught to bear in mind.
2. In order to subsidize home, so he had to part-time workers, full-time work because of his remuneration is too low.

3. In order not to be discovered, these masters of black slaves趁着夜色fled from the manor.
4. A glance gradually surrounded by the enemy, the brave soldiers had jumped cliffs, and sterling integrity.
5. In the modern view, punctuality is a virtue, and those who do not punctuality, people tend to lose their trust in others.

Task II. (Passage) Translation from Chinese into English

(1) prevalence of racial prejudice at that time, slavery has not been abolished. There are several southern states, where the black slaves escape arrest, the owner can dispose of them severely. Those who were slaveholders black oppression, and finally decided to run great risks to flee plantations. They make ful