
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 14:03:49
( 1 )抓好监控平台,使全网 24 h 处于监控之下,每天对主要运行数据一目了然,发现问题及时处理。
( 2 )抓好两项费用的使用,即每年固定资产投资和大修理费用。前者是用在必须更新改造的设备上,后者是用在全网具有倾向性的问题上,采取点面结合的方法全面提高在用设备的技术状况。
譬如,固定资产更新费用,我们每年大部分用在能耗、更新噪声大的相控整流器以及老、差蓄电池组改造上;大修费用每年一个侧重点: 2001 年改造全网空调凝结水管; 2002 年整治不规范的接入网电源设备; 2003 年整治淘汰型号的空气开关(信号线、电源线分开敷设整治费用另列)。
( 3 )抓好 3 类电池的剩余容量测试:主电池、 UPS 电池和油机启动电池。这 3 类电池是电源最后的王牌,因此对每只电池我们都要做到心中有数。定期进行 3 类电池剩余容量的普测,就不会发生系统中断事故。

Communication Power focus on the maintenance and administration of security
Communication Power peacetime maintenance and administration of a lot of what is the most fundamental? From the perspective of maintaining security, maintenance and management for the focus of the work:
(1) do a good job monitoring platform, so that the entire monitoring network at 24 h, the major operation on a daily basis of data at a glance, that deal with problems in a timely fashion.
(2) the use of our efforts to two charges, the annual investment in fixed assets and overhaul costs. The former is to be used in upgrading the equipment, which is used in the entire network and tendentious issue, the comprehensive approach taken Dianmianjiege improve the technical equipment used in the situation.
For example, the updated cost of fixed assets, used in the majority of our annual energy consumption, noise major update of controlled rectifier and the elderly, poor battery transformation;