
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 09:25:16
摘要:新课程尤其 文学教育,人教版的中学语文教材60%多是文学作品。文学教育是语文教育的重要内容,文学教育的成败关乎语文教育的成败。文学作品的魅力正在于它的情感性、审美性与形象性。文学作品的教学既是学习语言艺术的过程,又是提升审美能力、开拓精神视野的过程。学生可以通过对文学作品中形象的关注,来感知生活和社会,增强是非善恶的辨别能力,提高审美能力。本文分析了当下文学作品教学的问题:教学存在模式化;教学存在主题误度的现象;教学中忽视审美意识的培养、。着重探讨了对策:以“立人”为本,培养学生的审美人生观;从语言层面培养学生审美鉴赏能力。

Abstract: The new literature courses especially literary education, Renjiaoban language teaching in secondary schools is more than 60 percent literature. Literary education is an important aspect of language education, literature and education related to the success or failure of the success or failure of language education. Literature is in the charm of its emotional, and aesthetic of the image. Teaching literature is the process of learning language arts, but also enhance aesthetic capacity, vision and pioneering spirit of the process. Students can image on the literary works of the concerns of life and social sense to enhance the ability to distinguish right and wrong and good and evil, improve aesthetic capacity. This paper analyses the current literature Teaching: Teaching mode; Teaching theme misuse of the phenomenon; neglected in the teaching of aesthetic awareness training. Focused on responses: "Liren"-and train the students to the aesthetic view of life from the