
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 02:12:29

学制:4年 民族:汉 入学日期 延迟毕业日期

课程名 学分 成绩 属性 学期 必修 限选 任选

已获得总学分数:135.40 备注: 系主任签字:胡柏平印 公章:陕西师范大学体育学院


制表人:益凡 制表日期

Duration: 4 in the nation: Date-school graduation date delayed

Courses of semester grade attributes optional compulsory restrictions election

Have been scores of the total: 135.40 Note: Head Signature: Hooper-India official seal: Shaanxi Normal University Sports Institute

Whether or not to grant degrees: Evaluation Committee approved school degree conferred bachelor's degree in education

Tabulation: who benefits tabulation Date