
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 03:30:12

而在仍有些寒冷的春天,又要禁火吃冷食,怕有些老弱妇孺耐不住寒冷,也为了防止寒食冷餐伤身,於是就定了踏青、郊游、荡秋千,踢足球、打马球、插柳,拔河,斗鸡等户外活动,让大家出来晒晒太阳,活动活动筋骨,增加抵抗力。 因此,清明节除了祭祖扫墓之外,还有各项野外健身活动,使这个节日,除了有慎终追远的感伤,还融合了欢乐赏春的气氛;既有生离死别的悲酸泪,又到处是一派清新明丽的生动景象。真是一个极富特色,非常特别的节日。



In the tomb of ancestors graves, the origin of this custom in China very early. As early as the time of the Western Zhou Dynasty tombs attached great importance to. Warring States period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty Mencius-person article also mentioned a human Qi ridiculed by the people, and often to the graves with Dongguo乞食Jimu sacrifice, we can see that the Warring States Period graves of the very popular culture. By Xuanzong, the Cold Food Xiazhao graves for the then "five at the" one, during the Ching Ming Festival to, "Field roads, Shinu:bianman, Zaodi commission丐,皆得parents Venturi tomb." (Liu in the yuan "and Xu Jing Zhao"), grave-sweepers become important social customs.

Some still cold in the spring, but also fire ban eat cold, afraid of the elderly, the vulnerable women and children lost some of the cold, but also to prevent Cool Food Lengcanshangjuan was on the set the Ta-Qing, picnickers, swinging, playing soccer, playing MA Ball