
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 09:11:59




A Hello, this is A. May I speak to B?
B Hello, I don't think you may dial the right number.
A What? Is that the Convienience store?
B Of course not. This is private house.

A: Hello, I am "A", is "b" available?

B: oh, I think you've got the wrong number.

A. Sorry, this is not a convenient store?

B: of course not, this is a private residence.


A: Hello,I'm A, I want to look for B

B: Oh, I thought that you made a mistake.

A: ah » This is not a convenience store? »

B: Of course not, this is the individual households.

A:hellow,I am A,may i speak to B?

B:oh, i think you may get the wrong number。

A:AH?Isnot it the convenience store?

B:ofcause not,this is the

A: hello, this is A, I want to talk with B

B: oh, you dail wrong number

A: what? is this easy store?