
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 12:02:02

The consumption and supply of Haroin and Oupian in Afhan is about 90% in the world. This country has the natural conditions of planting poppy which needs little water and be able to grow in the rough soil.Farmers can make $1500 when planting poppy while only has the income of $100 if they plant traditional crops. It is not difficult to see why they plant poppy.


Afhan the world Haroin and consumer Oupian supply nearly 90% of the total. Su opium cultivation in its natural conditions, the plant does not need what little water, and land in the rough on growth. Su farmers growing opium can make 1500 U.S. dollars a month, and the cultivation of traditional crops, only around 100 U.S. dollars income, which is not hard to see why they have to opium cultivation su.

Afhan the world Haroin and consumer Oupian supply nearly 90% of the total. Su opium cultivation in its natural conditions, the plant does not need what little water, and land in the r