
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 22:07:26
第十五条 各部门领导发现本部门员工违反公司规章制度的行为时,应及时向劳动人事部报告;员工也可向上述部门检举、揭发任何人的违纪违章行为,要求处理。
第十六条 劳动人事部接到报告、检举、揭发,应即报经部门主管或董事会批准后进行调查处理。
第十七条 给予员工行政处分和经济处罚,应当慎重决定。必须弄清事实,取得证据,经过一定会议讨论,征求有关部门意见,并允许受处分人进行申辩。
第十八条 调查、审批员工处分的时间,从证实员工犯错误之日起,开除处分不得超过2个月,其他处分不得超过1个月。
第十九条 对员工进行处分,应书面通知本人,并记入档案。
第二十条 员工对处分决定不服的,允许提请复议;对复议决定不服的,允许向有关部门申诉。
第二十一条 受处分的员工,在处罚事项未了结之前,不得调离公司(公司宣布辞退、开除的除外)。
第二十二条 受处分的员工,能改正错误,积极工作,在1年内弥补经济损失或完成利润指标的,经所在部门提议或本人要求,劳动人事部审核后呈报董事长或董事会批准,可酌情减轻或免除处分。
第二十三条 本制度呈董事长核准签发后,公布实施。
我也想给高分,底子薄,就剩12了,555555555 又不能付分,辛苦你们了。

是有点多,各位老大,凑活着,能翻哪条就翻哪条, 辛苦你们了 ~!~!~~!

Leaders of various departments of the department's staff found in violation of company rules and regulations of the act, shall promptly report to the Ministry of Labor Ministry of Personnel; staff can also be reported to these departments to uncover any illegal conduct and discipline of the person requiring treatment.
Labor Ministry of Personnel has received reports of exposures to light, should be reported by that department or the Board of Directors approved an investigation after the treatment.
Investigation is completed, Labor Ministry of Personnel of "deal with the submissions," reported Chairman or the Board of Directors approved the implementation of pay and notified by the departments concerned at people.
Investigation, disciplinary action for approval of staff time, staff from the confirmed date of mistakes, punishment shall not be expelled from the more than two months, other disciplinary action shall not be more than one month.