哪位高人能否帮忙把这段摘要翻成英文啊,别是机器人翻的哦 跪谢!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/01 01:04:40

关键词:平衡计分卡 地方政府绩效评估 绩效评估指标体系 层次分析理论

The government achievements appraisal is the multiple perspectives appraisal government efficiency, the promotion government improves the method of work an important tool, is the modern public administration research front topic. After China joins WTO, in aspects and so on politics, economy, culture is facing the unprecedented challenge, domestic and foreign manages social affair's quality requirement to the government to be getting higher and higher, urgent needs to establish a set completely under this environment, the standard government achievements appraisal system, overcomes the government to manage the malpractice, the advancement government management system innovation, enhances the government achievements comprehensively. This article by the Local authority as the object of study is because our country Local authority has not completed the marketability as a whole, the management function to be too broad causes its achievements inspection indicator system complexly comp