
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 02:10:54

Dolphin7850是为处理工业应用数据而设计的基于Windows Mobile操作系统的便携式数据终端,其内置的图像式阅读头既可以读取条码,也可以获取图像,这一特点使其区别于普通PDA,对此功能的应用不同的客户有不同的应用形式,因此7850在出厂时并没有提供能适合不同用户使用此功能的应用程序,此应用程序可以由用户自行开发,也可以由代理商有偿开发。
1 客户需要用阅读头获取哪种数据,是条码还是图像。
2 获得的数据后续需要如何处理,是实时传输到PC机上相应的管理软件(比如ERP)还是将数据暂存在7850的存储器中,在需要的时候再将数据传输到PC机上。
3 客户选择哪一种通讯方式,蓝牙?WiFi?或者是数据线?

Dolphin7850 deal with industrial applications for data and Windows Mobile-based portable data terminal operating system, and its built-in image reading head can read the bar code, you can access images, a feature to distinguish it from ordinary PDA, this function to apply a different application clients have different forms, so in 7850 when the factory did not provide to fit different users to use this feature applications, this application can be developed by users can also be paid by the agent development. In the development process, usually some questions need to be aware of the following

1.Customers need to read the first access to what data, or images are the barcode
2.Follow-up necessary to obtain data on how the deal is a real-time transmission to the appropriate PC-management software (such as ERP) data or temporary storage in 7850, in the time required before data transfer to PC,
3.Customers select which means of communication, Bluetooth? WiFi? Or data