
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 13:52:54
题目: 浅析在线会计服务在我国会计工作发展中的重要性
摘要: 现今随着会计电算化的日益普及,会计电算化已是基本融入到了我国的会计工作当中。然而我国企业当中99%都是中小型企业,会计电算化系统的引进成本及后续费用过高、软件使用不当的问题也是极大的限制了在我国中小型企业的推广。这时就需要我们能够提供更多的会计服务模式来适应时代发展的需要,或许我们就会更加需要在线会计服务这样的新兴的服务。本文主要根据我国的基本国情以及我国的会计电算化发展历程的回顾,提出了我国在网络时代会计电算化发展的一个新的趋势——在线会计服务模式,并且通过对在线会计服务模式的优势、存在的问题和应对方式的详细介绍,指出了我国会计工作一个全新的时代即将来临。
关键词:在线会计服务 财务业务一体化 软件即服务

Cannot bear the topic simply: Brief analysis online accounting service in our country accountancy development important abstract: Nowadays along with accounting computerization's day-by-day popularization, the accounting computerization already was integrates our country's accountancy basically. However in the middle of Our country Enterprise 99% were the Small and medium-sized enterprise, the accounting computerization system's introduction cost and the following expense is excessively high, the software to use the improper question is also the enormous limit in our country Small and medium-sized enterprise's promotion. By now needed us to be able to provide the more accounting service pattern to meet the time need to develop, perhaps we even more will need online accounting service such emerging service. This article mainly acts according to our country's fundamental realities of the country as well as our country's accounting computerization development pr