
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 19:36:08
[摘 要] 随着市场经济的发展,我国公路运输行业的竞争愈加激烈。本文将通过对相关文献的分析总结和实际调查,让我们对我国公路交通运输存在的主要问题进行更详尽的了解,并试着从中找出一条适合我国公路运输行业发展的模式和道路,紧跟时代步伐,发展具有我国特色的公路运输业。把公路运输融入到现代物流中,建立符合可持续性发展战略的新型交通运输体系。

[关键词] 公路运输 现状 问题 对策研究

Abstract: The industry competition is even more fierce with the fact that development of market economy , our country transport by road. The analysis summary and reality will pass to relevance document inquire into the main body of a book , let us carry out more detailed .know about on the primal problem that our country there exists in highway traffic , are suitable to the pattern and road that our country highway transportation industry develops , keep abrest of times step , develop the highway carrying trade having our country characteristic and to be trying finding out a bar out of. Enter with transporting by road melting to modern logistics middle, building-up conforms to but persistence development strategy new model traffic transports system. Main the main body of a book content has been the current situation having introduced that our country transports by road simplely , has emphasized the primal problem there existing in highway transportation having brought forward our co