
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 14:50:46
1.忘得一干二净 2.有求必应 3.不遗余力 4.自古以来 5.东张西望 6.百读不厌 7.贵重物品 8.当务之急 9.花了九牛二虎之力
10.胸有成竹 11.饱受苦难 12.受益匪浅 13.一鸣惊人 14.半途而废 15.兴趣相投 16.充耳不闻 17视而不见 18.一箭之遥 19.置之不理 20.大相径庭 21.所见所闻 22.不到长城非好汉 23.玩火者必自焚 24.患难朋友才是真朋友 25.友谊胜过金钱 26.勤能补拙 27.入乡随俗 29.趁热打铁 30.骄兵必败 31.事与愿违 32.不劳而获

1. Forget about 2. 3. 4) no acting since ancient times 5 6. Read look and valuables and urgent 9 spent to translate
10. 11.he's assurance from suffering from dec. 13-14 blockbuster halfway 15 interests from deaf and blind and deaf and then a stone's throw what differ in 22. The 23) get burned 24. A friend in need is a friend indeed 25. Friendship is better than money 26 diligence redeems stupidity and 29 strike while the iron is hot 30 do fall 31 backfire 32 no pains, no gains


