
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 07:31:49
“都见过群鸟夜归时在电线上落脚的场景吧?Jarbas Agnelli将这些画面拍摄下来,并按照小鸟们的位置转换成了五线谱,结果,这些名副其实的鸟音乐演奏出来的效果还颇为动听。”


"Most of you should have seen birds standing on the electric wires in the evening." Jarbas Agnelli cut out the photo and change it to staff by using the exact location of the birds as notes. As a result, the music composed by birds are quite fair.

"Is seen at night when the birds to stay on the scene? Jarbas Agnelli will these pictures and according to the position of the birds, the result became staff, convert these worthy of the name of the music bird played quite beautiful."

Have all seen of late Qunniao wire settled at the scene, right? Jarbas Agnelli filmed these images, and in accordance with the location of birds were converted into stave as a result, these veritable bird music out of the results were quite pleasing. "

Have you every seen the scenes that some birds stand on the electric wire on their way home in the evening? Jarbas Agnelli took some photos of theses scenes and converted the birds location on the wire into a stave. A