
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 08:38:59


Margaret Hilda Thatcher
出生地:英格兰肯特郡的格兰瑟姆学历:牛津大学理学士、文科硕士学位 Margaret Hilda Thatcher 撒切尔夫人的父亲罗伯茨是英国格兰文森小城的一家杂货店主。玛格丽特(撒切尔夫人)5岁生日那天,父亲把她叫到跟前,语重心长地说:“孩子,你要记住——凡事要有自己的主见,用自己的大脑来判断事物的是非,千万不要人云亦云啊。罗伯茨经常这样教育女儿,要她拥有自己的主见和理想,特立独行、与众不同最能显示一个人的个性,随波逐流只能使个性的光辉淹没在芸芸众生之中。

Empress Wu, was born seven years, Emperor Tang Gaozu Wu De (624), the ancestral home and the state of the text water (this text water County, Shanxi Province), Lee was born in the state (now in Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province). His father, to operate wood industry, his family was well off, and full of money. Emperor cause Dynasty, Li Yuan served when Hedong and Taiyuan, because several times in the Wu family to keep, so got to know. Emperor Ming Li Yuan guarding Taiyuan, has promoted Yue samurai armor Division made a forced march to join the army. Li Yuan in Taiyuan revolted after the anti-Sui, Wu family had aided the clothes money and grain, so the Tang Dynasty set up, once said that "yuan from the heroic," Book of History and Industry official calendar, Huangmenshilang, library department assistant minister, sentenced to six chancery matter, Yangzhou captaincy Eliot House, Lee states (where the current administration in Guangyuan, Sichuan), Jingzhou (Hubei Jiangling thi