
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 20:40:33
摘要 旅游环境是指在旅游活动特定的区域或范围内各种因素的存在状况和综合作用的结果;就范围而言,它主要包括旅游目的地和相关的旅游依托地;就内容而言,则主要包括旅游资源状况以及与旅游活动有关的自然和社会文化两方面的因素。长期以来,人们总把旅游发展视为一种经济活动,偏重追求其经济效益,而相对忽略了普遍存在的旅游对环境的影响。旅游资源和旅游环境质量是旅游业赖以存在和发展的基础,旅游对环境尤其是自然环境造成的严重破坏不仅会阻碍旅游业本身的持续发展,而且也会带来相关的负效益。本文首先描述了旅游发展与旅游环境保护的矛盾对立,考察了旅游环境保护的种种制约因素;并在此基础上,提出了旅游持续发展和旅游环境保护周期循环模式以及旅游环境质量的全面管理和保护设想,以期寻求发展与保护这对矛盾对立面的完美与和谐的统一,是旅游得以持续发展

The tourism environment refers to the specific areas of tourist activities within the scope of the various factors or existing status and the comprehensive effect of, Is concerned, it mainly includes the scope of tourism destination and related on land, Contents, mainly including the tourism resources and tourism activities relating to the natural and social culture, two factors. For a long time, people always put tourism development as a kind of economic activity, specializing in pursuit of its economic benefits, but relatively neglected widespread tourism impact on the environment. Tourism resources and environmental quality is on the existence and the development of tourism, tourist environmental especially serious destruction caused by the natural environment not only hinder the sustainable development of tourism industry itself, but will also bring the relevant. This paper describes the tourism development and environmental protection, the contradictions of the environmental pr