
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 11:06:30
摘 要

Multi-media teaching is developed on the basis of traditional teaching, is teaching the traditional inheritance and necessary complement. Multimedia teaching creative in its design, content on the configuration of the teaching on the scale, the spread of the depth effect of the data will be complementary effect of the organization of the teaching process into a lively teaching methods, teachers and students mobilized in two areas initiative. Multi-media teaching promoted the development of education, but also promoted the education changes. Multimedia is a the same time, processing, editing, storage and display of two or more different types of media information technology. That is, multimedia is not a simple combination of a variety of media, but in the computer center to handle a variety of media, information technology (computer technology and audio-visual technology) together to form an integrated multimedia system, forming networks to optimize the teaching. It is