
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 19:25:41
为了了解最新的行业发展动态,寻找目标客户,我们参加了2006年4月在德国Hanover举办的全球自动化行业最大,最权威的专业展会—Hanover MESSE 2006。
我们的展台吸引了成千的专业人士。这次成功的参展之后,我又在2006年4月代表公司参加了在德国NUREMBUR举办的另一个著名的专业展会 _SENSOR+ TEST 2006,并且和德国的自动化行业的专业人士进行磋商,进一步明确了公司的发展方向。
我们已经拥有了稳定的 家客户,这些客户来自全球 个国家。
我们和 家供货商保持着友好的合作关系。
我不仅分期投入了公司运行需要的资金,还积极参加了day to day participation in the running of the business.这些工作主要包括:
1. 制订公司的发展方向, 管理制度, 销售策略.
2. 按照公司的运行需要雇佣合适的雇员,确定工作职责和薪金.
3. 布置雇员每天的工作任务, 检查工作进度.并协调工作中的分工和合作.
4. 参与合同的执行过程,寻找合格的供应商,确定销售最终价格, 审核并签发销售发票 ..
5. 负责公司的财务管理,,协调销售,采购的资金运行.审核并签发公司费用支出的发票 ..

After the establishment of companies, products and corporate image we immediately start the publicity. To understand the latest developments in the industry, targeting customers We participated in the April 2006 Hanover in Germany's largest global automation industry. The most authoritative professional exhibition -Hanover MESSE 2006. Our booth attracted thousands of professionals. The success of the exhibition, I also participated in the April 2006 on behalf of the company in Germany NUREMBUR exhibition organized by another prominent professional _SENSOR+ TEST 2006. and the automation of the professionals and Germany hold consultations to further clarify the company's development direction. Canada fully utilize the rich quick exposing security network resources, we will actively and target customers through the company website contact find all the business opportunities for suppliers and customers and close communication. These can be a lot of work in the company mail sent