
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:47:14
-1. Check the hotkey of a unit, for this example we'll use a citizen, hover over the create button, and in brackets it will tell you its hotkey, for a citizen its C.
-2. While still having your Capitol selected, place your mouse over the scroll, which is used to tribute (top left). Press C, then quickly click, so it accesses the tributes menu.
Tribute all your food to any enemy/ally, then click CANCEL. You will now have gotten back your 50 food which your citizen costs, because the game didn't know you had just bought a citizen before you quickly accessed the tributes screen.

Also, this trick can be done with almost any unit or building.
If you need wood, you can either use siege OR;
-a. Place an expensive building to the top left of your screen, click build then quickly click the tribute button.

- Hold shift to start building 5 units at once, this way you can get free resources 5x faster!
- Choose the Just I

1 。检查热键的一个单位,为这个例子,我们将使用一个公民,悬停在创建按钮,并在括号内,它会告诉你它的热键,为公民,其长
-2 。虽然仍然有你的国会选定,将鼠标滚动,它可以用来致敬(左上方) 。新闻c ,然后快速按一下,所以上网的贡品菜单。


-按住S HIFT动工建设5个单位立即出动,通过这种方式,您可以得到免费资源5倍快!
-选择只是在时间制造业强国( A OC的扩张只) ,然后按一下按钮J IT的关于建设,按住S HIFT按下热键的单位致意,然后真的很快,您将获得5免费单位! : )
-无论你做的是,不要让你的资源达到0 ,因为你需要一些资源做这个小插曲。如果这样以往任何时候都发生在你身上,请求资源,你有没有从您的一位盟友。