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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 09:58:57
人类能够同时体验两种极端情绪 最恐惧时也最快乐
安德雷德和科恩说: “这两个理论都假定人们不能同时经历消极和积极的情绪。我们认为人们应重新考量这两个解释,人们不能同时经历消极和积极的情绪的假设是错误的。”换句话说,他俩认为,恐怖电影的观众很乐意享受这种“不高兴”。这种新奇的情绪体验解释了人们同时经历消极和积极的情绪体验———人们实际上享受被惊吓,不仅仅享受威胁解除后长舒一口气的畅快。正像论文作者所言:“最恐怖时总是最快乐。”

Also the humanity can simultaneously experience two violent mood fear when most joyful the world classics terrorist movie "To dodge Spirit" for 27 years in society has fluttered, thought always lets the human have plants must with the general psychological experience: Says the table with difficulty the fear, actually fills with pleasantly surprised. “that many people their immerse voluntarily in two hours terrorist, alarmed and afraid and in the loathing, as if has disobeys the intuition”. Why do the people want “to ask for trouble”? Newest research discovery, because mainly the people can simultaneously experience to two violent mood, fears when is also most joyful. This research will publish August "Consumer Research" in the magazine. explains and forecast that the people behavior theory the basic supposition is the people wants to track down joyfully, is far away from the pain. Why do the people like watching the terrorist movie? Generally has two kind of expl