
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 04:31:07
地址:中国上海,兴达路999号金星大厦(Golden Star Mansion)33层
收信人:James Brown &Sons,由日用品部(Daily Articels DEpt)办理
地址:#304-310 Jalan Street,Toronto,Canada
经与同类货物作仔细比较,我们发现 你方报价有点高。当前的洗发精(Shampoo)市场充斥着各种各样的品牌,象Rejoice,Pond's等优质产品很容易买到。而且这些产品都已经得到我地市场的认可。就洗发精而言,很多消费者不愿接受新产品。你放产品作为新品牌,最大的卖点将是它的护法(hair care)功能;质量上虽然已经达到客户要求,但要想在我地市场打开销路,必须还要具备价格优势,否则是很难与一些老牌产品竞争的。
Dear Sirs:
Thank you for your quotation for Men's Shirts and the samples sent un on May 6.
We have approached a number of your customers in this area and many of them take an interest in "Swan"brand shirts.We,therefoer, ask you to make us your best offer on C&F Rangoon basis for 5,000 Men's Shirts(No.G-3).We believe we may secure some orders for you.

We,however,would like to point out that unless your quotation is attractive to th

Letter writing people: New road China trade Ltd. , address: Chinese Shanghai, perhaps
reaches 999 road Venuses edifice (Golden Star Mansion) 33 layer of addressee: James
Brown & Sons, is handled address by articles of everyday use headquarter (Daily
Articels DEpt): # 304-310 Jalan Street , Toronto , Canada date: Content on June 30 ,
2000: Thank your incoming letter on June 15 sample. The secret agent informs , our
side customer finally very satisfied, but hesitates for still a little bit now to
your sample probation. By that the goods assumes careful comparison with the same
kind,we discover your quoted price a little bit highly. Current shampoo (Shampoo)
marketplace high-quality goods such as being full of the all kinds of brand , being
resembling Rejoice , Pond's is very easy to purchase. And these products get all
already my field marketplace's ratification. As far as shampoo be concerned, many
consumers is