求DavidRoth的《Before I die》歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 08:44:30
是DavidRoth的before i die,里面有一句歌词好像是“before i die ,i want to be the richest man in history"

Before I Die -- by David Roth

Before I die I want to be
The richest man in history
I want to have a wealth of friends
Abundant love that never ends
Before I die I want to find
A lover who is soft and kind
And one last piece of cherry pie
That's what I want before I die

Before I die I want to choose
Some different roads and and avenues
I want to walk each one in peace
And all my obstacles release
Before I die I want to know
I've told you that I love you so
I love so, I love you so
That's what I want you to know

Before I die I want to be
The richest man in history
And one last piece of cherry pie
That's what I want before I die

before i die 打印此页
歌手:mushroomhead 专辑:xx
Set Me Free
Let Me Be
Who And What I Am
Why Can't You See?
You Never Seem To Understand
This Pain I Feel Is As Real
As Yo

正方形ABCD中.E是CF上的点.四边形BEFD为菱形,求∠BEF度数 如果向量EF=(0,-1,1)向量EB=(1/2,0,1) 怎么求平面BEF的法向量 要详细过程 谢谢! 平行四边形ABCD中,点E在AB边上, F在BC边上,△ADE、△BEF、△CDF的面积各为5、3、4,求△DEF的面积。 外包装上BEF是什么意思 正三棱锥A-BCD底面边长a,侧棱长2a,过B作与AC、BD都相交截面BEF,截面周长最小时,求截面面积 已知正方形ABCD和等边三角形BEF,它们的边长皆为a,O是正方形两条对角线的交点,EF‖AC 如图,AB//CD,∠1=∠2,试探索∠BEF与∠EFC的关系说明理由,要有过程 已知:直线AB//CD,直线EF分别交AB,CD与点E,F,角BEF的平分线与角DEF的平分线相交与点P.求证:角P=90度? 如图,已知CD⊥AB,EF⊥AB,垂足分别为D、F,且∠BEF=∠1,问∠B与∠BDG有怎样的关系,简述你的理由 平行四边形ABCD中,AB=8 ,AD=6,角DAB=30度,点EF在AC上,其且AE=EF=FC,则三角形BEF的面积是