
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 01:50:53
In their work over the past twenty years, Susan Bassenett and André Lefevere have consistently built bridges within the field of translation studies and developed interdisciplinary connections to fields of study outside the discipline. In 1990, they were the first to suggest that translation studies take the ‘cultural turn’ and look toward work of cultural studies scholars. In their new book Constructing Cultures, they present a strong case for moving the field of cultural studies closer to translation studies. New strategies gleaned from translation histories, such as we see in Lefevere’s discussion of Aeneid translations or Bassanett’s discussion of Inferno translations that follow, not only give translators more insight into the actual practice of translation, but they also give cultural studies critics new insight into cultural manipulation by those in power. Following Bassnett and Lefevere, translators have increasingly become more empowered and less self-effacing, a development t

在他们过去20年的工作,苏珊Bassenett和安德烈勒弗维尔一直建立在翻译研究领域和发展跨学科的桥梁连接以外的学科研究领域。 1990年,他们是第一个翻译研究表明,采取'文化转向',展望学者的文化研究工作。在其新著文化建设,他们目前提出的接近翻译学的文化研究领域的充分理由。从收集到新的战略转换的历史,例如我们看到勒弗维尔的伊尼伊德翻译或Bassanett的Inferno翻译讨论讨论,遵循,不仅给翻译到实际的翻译实践中更深入的了解,但也为批评文化研究的新见解文化操纵当权者。以下巴斯奈特和勒弗维尔,翻译越来越成为赋予更多的权力和更少的自我出风头,曾经允许理论家,以便更好地查看不同文化和调解工作的发展/或采用不同的话,形式,文化的细微差别,并到他们自己的意义各自的文化。

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