
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 05:02:20
“中西方体态语言(body language)的交流主要包括三种:情态语言、身势语言和空间语言。这三种语言因文化背景、国情和地域的差异而有所不同,这些差异可能使人们在实际交流中产生误会造成交流的不便,只有了解这些差异,才能在体态语言的交流中避免这些尴尬,使人们的交流畅通无阻。情态语言主要是指面部表情,其中眼神是主要表现方式,中西方因历史背景的差异在眼神的含义上也大相径庭;身势语言上,中西方因对表示友好亲密的动作理解不同也造成了一定的差异;空间语言因文化和人们的思想观念不同也有很大的差异。了解和研究这些差异是本文的主要内容,而学习和研究体态语言中的差异将在人们的日常生活中起这重要的作用。”


there are 3 main ways to communicate with eachothers between west and east by body language:mood language ,motionlanguage and space language.there is so many differences between this three body languages ,because of cultural background, national and regional differences,and this difference will bring lot of inconvenience in the mistake which from our communication,Only know about the differences in body language,then we can avoid the embarrassment of communication,and make our communication unimpeded,mood language refers mainly to facial expressions, eye is the main form of Chinese historical background, because of differences in the eyes of the meaning and vary widely,motionlanguage Due to the friendly and close motion caused by different understanding,spcae langueage for culture and language people's idea is different ,so also have great differences,To understand and study these differences is the main content of this article,to learn and research the differences between the b