
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 10:41:58
1 同志们,我们从阿肯色州(Arkansas)一个不为人知的小村子开始,一路顺密西西比河(Mississippi River)漂流而下,穿越神秘的百慕大,进入广阔的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea),路过黄金海岸,直冲好望角,现在,整个大西洋都已成为记忆,我们现在所处的位置是——大副!”
2 “报告船长,我们已经临近波斯湾。”

1.My friends, we start from an unknown small village in Arkansas and go down along with the River Mississippi, go across the mysterious Bermuda and go into the Sea Caribbean. We then pass by the Golden Coast and go into the Cape of Good Hope. Now, the Atlantic Ocean is just a memory, the location where we are at now is ----the chief mate!
2. "Captain, we are near the Persian Gulf ".

1.people,we set out from an unbekown village,drift along the Mississippi River ,through the mysterious
Bermuda triangle,and the wide Caribbean Sea ,pass the Golden Beach ,then arrive the Cap of Good Hope.now,the whole Atlantic has become the memory,now the place we are is---(大副?是什么?)
2."captain,we are approaching the bay of persia